Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Guest Speaker - Todd Falcone

Todd Falcone blazes through several key concepts involved in Network Marketing. Though only available for a short time, Todd covers a lot of ground and details into his approach about building a business and client base. Todd Falcone is a veteran of the industry and has built several dynamic businesses. This audio is a little over 36 minutes long and you may need to listen to it a few times to capture the details. As I was listening to this call live, I made a couple pages of notes. So, get your pen and paper ready while you listen to this audio.

Many thanks to Todd Falcone for taking time out of his schedule to speak at Passport LLC.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Guest Speaker - Michael Oliver

Michael Oliver, author of "How to sell Network Marketing without fear, anxiety, or losing your friends", spoke to Passport Independent Associates on March 10, 2005. During this discussion, Michael discusses the foundation of his concept known as "Natural Selling™" and how 'interruption marketing' in ineffective and rarely garners meaningful results.

Thank you Michael Oliver for sharing your approach and your time. We look forward to the next chance we have to talk again.

Guest Speaker, Michael Oliver
March 10, 2005

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